简介:草莓巧克力香氛An encounter. Between waves and cliffs. The night. In a week, he gets married. For years, she no longer believes in pleasure. They meet. They play. They speak. They want each other. As a gift - unconditionally. Like a dance - on the edge of the void. For one night. One night only. Their only night.
简介:「淳平、考え直せ」「夜明けまで離さない」の森岡利行監督が、美しき遊女と遊郭に流れ着いた青年の悲愛を描いた官能ドラ闵度允参演所有的电影豆瓣。大正時代の建築が立ち並び、時代から取り残さたような遊郭に、大きな借金を抱えた無職の男・茂がやってくる。そこで一美という美しい遊女と出会った茂は、女の心のケアをする女師として生きていくことを選ぶ。さまざま人の欲望や悲喜劇が入り乱れる遊郭で、2人は恋に落ちていくのだが……。女優、モデル、タレントとして活動する和田瞳が映画初主演で体当たりのベッドシーンにも挑戦。一美と恋に落ちる茂を「BOYS AND MEN」の水野勝が演じた。
简介:Can you film me without anyone knowing...not even me? A paparazzi reporter and a female doctor with exhibitionism can't help their instincts. Jae-hoon was a cameraman but he was fired for something and is now a paparazzi. He is known for his neat work but his usual task is catching people in affairs. One day he gets a call from a woman asking him to keep watch on her twin sister. The sister owns a sexual consulting clinic so he goes as a patient. Then he starts to watch her in secret. As time goes, he shows signs of voyeurism and obsesses with her. The doctor's sister cancels her request but it's too late. Then he finds out that the doctor wasn't a twin sister but in fact the client herself and he blinds himself. Did Jae-hoon's voyeurism go away or was he a sexual pervert? Or did he really love the doctor?
简介:“성종 10년, 낮에는 성군 밤에는 폭군” 역사가 기억하는 성종(成宗)은‘백성을 편하게 하고 정사를 바로 세운 것’을 치하하는 시호를 얻으며 조선 시대 전체를 통틀어 가장 평화롭고 안정된 조정을 이끈 왕으로 평가 받는다. 하지만 과연 성종은 진정한 성군의 자질을 가진 왕이었을까? 정희왕후와 인수대비, 한명회와 공신들의 협력으로 왕위에 오른 성종. 13살의 왕은 즉위 첫해 73명의 대신을 공신으로 봉했다! 그가 왕이 되어 한없이 기뻤던 사대부들. 그가 왕이 되어 한 맺힌 피눈물을 흘려야 했던 백성. “이 나라 조선은 나리 같은 허깨비들이 권세로 다스리는 나라입니까?” 태평성대를 꿈꾸던 허수아비 성종, 백성 위에 군림하는 왕을 참하라! [ ABOUT MOVIE ] 조선의 태평성대 시절을 이끈 군주 ‘성종’! 이제껏 알지 못했던 ‘성종’ 시대의 이면을 다룬